Went to the Dr today and although there's been some progress (I'm now completely 3 cm) and she is still doing just fine, went ahead and scheduled an induction date. As of now, she could still be a November baby, but if not then she'll be a December baby. The induction date is December 1 at a bright and early 6 am. The Dr tried to help it along today by messing with my membranes, but she didn't feel any change like she usually does if it's going to help.
Other than that, not a lot of change! Personally, I would love and prefer it if she would come on her own. I'm not a person who tends to follow the natural or organic trend to a very large extent, but we do try to do what we can (i.e. if I have a headache later in the day, I'm more inclined to try and sleep it off rather than take meds for it- I'm not against meds, just like to try and let my body do what it can to fight it first before using meds if possible). In this case, we'd like to have it happen without medicinal help if possible but also recognize the merit and safety in urging her to come if she hasn't by the induction date. Prayers would be greatly appreciated, not only for her to come on her own if that's in His plan, but also again just for a labor and delivery that follows His plan whatever that looks like.