All this growing and developing is certainly fun, but as all moms know, it comes with it's challenges as well. We are adapting the Baby Wise approach to fit our family and one of the things it talks is looking for the tired cues and then putting them down as soon as you see them. Not rocket science, as I'm sure most mom's do this anyway, but so far hers has been a yawn. Well, she went through a good growth spurt recently (5 flippin' ounces a feeling! Can we say "oink oink"?) and decided she wanted to change it up! I'm still gaging it but so far it seems she's gone to fussing when she's tired. That's obviously thrown off her naps a bit when I don't catch it at the right time, so many naps she gets a bit overly tired and fights going down or wakes up throughout the naps. It's Friday now, and this all started last Saturday or Sunday, but she and I are both adjusting. I think she's getting better at putting her self back to sleep if she does wake in the middle of a nap.

This picture is a perfect example of what we have affectionately dubbed the "milk buzz" look. Complete and utter satisfaction!! Yum!
One of the other way positive things that every mom and dad counts down the days till is the gloried sleeping through the night. I am so proud to say my little Elizabeth Sarah has figured out how to do that around 8 weeks old!! Now obviously it's not perfect but getting about 7 hours straight of sleep from her is fabulous!! We're still trying to figure out what the schedule looks like still, how feedings will look throughout the day and how that works into our bedtime routine. I'd like to get it to where she's going down at the same time each night and we're going through the same routine. The two scenarios we flex between depending on what the feedings looked like that day are 1) she eats are 7:30 or so, kept up for play time - usually bath and books/cuddle time, then put down. We go in a 10:30 and feed her but put her right back down and 2) we feed sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, putting her last feeding at around 9:30, in which we keep her up for play after then put her down. Neither one seems to click any better with her but for all of us I'd like to get it consistent if possible.
We'll get a better chance to do that now that I'm home!! I loved nannying and wouldn't trade a second of time spent with the families that I had the pleasure and honor of serving but I am going to enjoy this new chapter in our lives as I get to stay home with our kiddo. Jackson, the little one I've hung out with for the last year and a half just welcomed with his mommy and daddy his new baby sister, Ella Francis! We are so excited for them and I know J will be a great big brother. He was so tender and sweet with Liz when we were there, I'm a bit envious of Ella of the brother she's has. He would get this worried look on his face and try and offer all he
knew to help her when she was crying. He'd look at me and ask, "paci? baba (bottle)? boppie?" and then usually if she was in the room with us (not going down for a nap in another room) he'd go and gently pat her tummy or stroke her head. So sweet! He tried to share his food with her quite often, which was so cute! We'd be eating lunch and he'd hold up his fork with a hot dog piece on the end and say "Lizzie?" and I'd have to tell him "no, but thank you. Lizzie's still a baby. That's big boy food just for Jackson." I hope we get to visit them often.
Needless to say, she's loving exploring her world and is really starting to notice people and things around her. Her favorite thing to do is sit on your lap and play the staring game and the do-as-I-do game. Her smiles light up the room!! She loves her daddy and will turn as hard as she can to look for him when he comes in the door after a day at work. As someone put it, she's discovering and forming her trust with different individuals and that she recognizes that they are different. For instance, mom is soft and warm, dad is strong and a bit more rough tumble type play, etc. As her Aunt D put it last night at dinner "She's finally looking at people!"
That's all for now... pedunk is waking up!! Sometimes we feel like the dog on Over the Hedge
"Play? Play?"