So last Thursday, I was sitting around on spring break and noticed I felt really nauseous. Now, for those of you just catching up with us or those who haven't heard the whole story, this is not necessarily an uncommon situation to be having symptoms like this. We've been trying for almost a year and almost every month I've had something funky going on with my body. Billy and I thought that this was nothing new but to be sure we bought yet another preg test. We both were convinced that this was just another funk so he went to work the following morning and I took the test... +...took the second (I didn't believe it)... +
We are pregnant!!
I got in my car, drove to the hospital (without calling mind you, which is absolutely not in my nature...must be the baby) and demanded a blood test. Well, they close earlier than normal so I would have to wait until Monday to get the results. But, they informed me that to them the at-home's were just as accurate and were good enough for them.
So now began the epic struggle of how to tell Billy. Do I call? naw Do I wait until he gets home? Yeah right!! So I opted for the trend of the age...good old text messaging!! I took a picture of the tests (yes, plural) and included a msg that said "someone's going to be a daddy..." and sent it away. The typical happened: he called, we cried and exclaimed, yadda yadda.
Important side story
We had some friends over Saturday night and shared with them the great news. They are about 3 1/2 months along themselves and have been calling their little one "peanut."
Fast forward to Sunday night, when we told my parents. Billy had this cute idea to use a tradition we've had in our family since I was a kid: the Wayne Newton prayer card. Yes, you heard correctly. We had picked up this playing card with wayne on it when I was in elementary school and when we began to fight over who was going to say prayer at dinner time, someone got the brilliant idea to use the card. Whoever had the card under their placemat was the person to say prayer. Billy and I had wallets made of the preg test and stuck them under the placemats before dinner that night and announced the wayne tradition. Needless to say, mom, dad and sister all cried.
Monday we get the call that my test was postive, and my numbers good so we schedule an ultrasound for the following day since we had no idea when my due date was. To explain this, my last cycle was Jan 27, and for those unsure of that significance...I was way late. I think I was going on like 60 someodd days of no cycle. Strange this was that we had taken tests as late as first week in March and they turned up negatory. Oh well!! God has His ways!!
We had the ultra sound yesterday and both that and my numbers varified we are 6 weeks along. We were able to hear the heartbeat and Billy was just in rapture of the screen. He said at one point "it's our little peanut!" I told him that we couldn't call him that because of our friends, and about 10 seconds later, he said "it's our little cashew!!" So that is how our baby has been dubbed Cashew. The grandparents and aunt of Cashew have run with it and I am now sure that this poor child will never live this nickname down...
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