Fun news though- we're having a girl!! Her name is Elizabeth Sarah (Lizzie for now) and apparently from the ultrasound, she'll be a tall girl like her mommy. Her legs are measuring a whole week ahead of schedule!! I forgot to ask the tech how her torso measured in I got this mental image for a moment of a young lady with a really short torso and really long legs- kind of like in Toy Story, you know, those crazy toys that next door neighbor messed up? She's certainly got some talent involving her feet though. Sometimes at night I swear she's tap dancing or something!! I have an understanding that this will get worse as time goes by so I'm trying to relish my ability to fall asleep in the midst of her performance at this point in the pregnancy.

Everything else looks great though is what the tech said. It was so fun to watch Billy's reaction- he was just glued to the monitor. So sweet! My parents went with us too and they were a hoot (as usual). I don't think the tech knew quite what to do with them, but I reassured her that most of the time I didn't either. Mom did really well figuring out what certain things were but dad just had a tough time on anything but the obvious stuff. It was neat to share that with them for many reasons but also simply because that ultrasounds though being used at the time my sister and I were born, were not done unless absolutely needed. A lot has changed since then- even the pregnancy test was a mystery to them! Billy and I showed the picture of the preg test when we found out and I think mom was shocked that I was so sure but hadn't gone to the dr yet for the blood test. Apparently that also was not available at that time!
We're 99.9% sure she's a girl too- we got some great shots that made it pretty evident! I kept telling her that this was the one day out of her whole life indecency was acceptable and encouraged!! At first I didn't think she was listening (not the last time in her life I'm sure) and had her legs crossed for about 80% of the time but every so often she would share her secret with us :-)
I did find out something pretty crucial that I can't believe we didn't know before-I'm O-! Growing up my parents always thought my sis and I were A+ like them since they both are but apparently I got a fun recessive gene from both sides!! So I have to get this fun shot before and after birth to keep my body for creating antibodies to the baby's blood. From what I understand, it wouldn't affect this pregnancy but would create issues with future pregs times!
We do have her nursery painted and the items that we do have, put in and situated. We call it our little Neapolitan room- pink on top, cream strip, and chocolate on the bottom...yummy!! Maybe I'll post a pic of it sometime soon.
Other than all that, life is fairly close to what you might call normal in the Nord household (although, really, define normal). Billy's getting into his new job and is crazy busy which in a lot of ways is a great thing. Frustrating to him though is starting back a few paces on the learning curve. We also seem to be the pet sitting place to be for the summer. It's been a revolving door of dogs and cats, but it keeps us busy and quiets that voice inside both of us that says we should get a dog soon. Next summer (crossing my fingers). You may question this, but Billy is also at the same point here- it's not just me!! He's on restriction from voicing his missing the dog that comes to hang out with us quite a bit. I told him a few days ago that if he said that he missed Stella one more time, I was going down to the humane society and bringing one home!! We'll see how the rest of this year goes with that one...
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